Day 20 - Face ZitRonke: "Um...Lord, are You sure?"
So...I have a zit on my face. How human of me! Since puberty struck, my experience with pimples has been atypical. Early on, they avoided me like I was the problem. And when they finally decided to grace my face with their presence, they did so sporadically and sometimes in the most inconvenient and conspicuous of places. Ronke: "Lord, I don't think these people want to hear about my pimples." I have always thought pimples looked good on people. When strategically placed, you know? Hence, you can imagine the dismay of a thirteen-year old me when everyone else was sporting at least one pimple. Well, now I have them. Still not overbearingly, but enough to be noticed. Ironically, I find myself almost wishing for a clearer, less-pimpled face. I say almost because while I think that a strategically placed pimple can increase a face's attractiveness, I do not have the forbearance to get rid of the ones that appear in not-so-strategic areas (like the tip of my nose!). Ronke: "Dad, um...so what is the lesson here? Where is the big "Hmm..." moment?" And so the story goes. We want it all, don't we? And when we can't have it, we want it even more. Then we get it and we don't want it anymore. See...we think we know what we want, what we need. And how dare God, or anyone else, tell us what is best for us? But our wants, what we want, will just about kill us. Because we'll never be satisfied with filling the God-shaped hole in our hearts with everything else. Jesus: You tell me. |
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